Coverage Options
Your solution for custom

Available Programs
Our First Dollar program provides immediate coverage to our members. For an annual contribution, members receive complete workers’ compensation coverage with no deductible and comprehensive risk management services. This includes:
- Dedicated and personalized in-house claims management team.
- Comprehensive risk management services with industry specialists.
- Opportunities for safety grants and other financial rewards.
- Return to work and transitional duty programs.
- Employee education, training, and certification courses to maintain the safest work environment.
- Workers’ Compensation excess insurance through Safety National.
- Administration and payment of NYS quarterly assessment fees.
- Overall long-term reduction of unfunded claim liabilities.
For the unique needs of larger public entities, like County plans, BOCES consortiums, etc., we offer our Large Deductible Program (LDP). This program provides an exceptional alternative to those seeking the comprehensive coverage noted in our First Dollar coverage, but would like a more manageable upfront financial arrangement.
When joining PERMA under the LDP, members make a smaller contribution and assume responsibility for claims up to a predetermined threshold. These per occurrence deductible options are based on the entity’s level of risk tolerance allowing for financial flexibility and are an alternative to individual self-insurance. Beyond this threshold, PERMA will then assume full responsibility for all claims—ensuring that your entity is safeguarded without compromise. To learn more about the program please contact our team.
With our expertise in overseeing a highly effective workers’ compensation program alongside the administrative components to claims management, we can also serve as a licensed third-party administrator. PERMA can assume TPA claims administration for any previous self-insured program. This allows for our full program administration and integration of legacy claims.

Eligible Members
New York State public entities that wish to join PERMA must have taxing authority and a unique (not shared) Federal Employer Identification Number. These stipulations exclude certain municipal types from membership, like ambulance companies and community colleges.
PERMA’s membership currently includes:
- Bridge Authorities
- BOCES consortium
- Cities
- Counties
- Development Authorities
- Fire Districts
- Housing Authorities
- Libraries
- Park Districts
- Parking Districts
- Port Districts
- Sanitation Districts
- Schools
- Towns
- Urban Renewal Districts
- Villages
- Water Boards & Districts
- Water Pollution Control Districts
While it is possible to work directly with PERMA, we strongly recommend working with a broker to further enhance PERMA’s value and to help continually evaluate your coverage needs. The cost to join PERMA does not increase if there is a broker or not named on your contract.
Below are some key reasons:
- Group Self-Insurers, like PERMA, provide exceptional value through tailored risk management programs, personalized claim service and are owned and governed by our members.
- A majority of NYS public entities are self-insured while PERMA currently has over 600 members including Towns, Villages, Counties, Cities, Schools, Fire Districts, Housing Authorities, Bridge Authorities and more.
- Our claims adjusters work only with public entity clients. When these workers are injured, they are subject to a variety of public service contracts that have specialized needs, such as police, fire, DPW, bridge workers, parks, recreation, etc. Our expert claims staff and risk management specialists are more equipped to handle injuries to these classes of business compared to private companies.
- Choosing group self-insurance, safety becomes a priority. When safety and risk management are the key focuses in the workplace, everyone benefits.
PERMA is a public entity group self-insurer, owned by our members and funded by members annual contributions to the group, not by premiums. Surplus is owned by the membership, not by stockholders. Private commercial insurance companies collect premiums and are not owned by their insureds.
Contact your broker or underwriter to initiate this process. A review of your history with PERMA including loss history and exposure level will be conducted. If this offer is not immediately available, a discussion with your underwriter, broker and risk management team may produce a path to a multi-year option in a short time.
PERMA believes it is best for all of the members to have a payroll audit completed to ensure contributions are being appropriately calculated according to the actual exposures that exist. The date received from a payroll audit is valuable and helps determine that no member is subsidizing another’s based on incorrect payroll estimates over the long term.
Yes. PERMA regularly provides VFBL coverage, but also VAWBL (Volunteer Ambulance) coverage. These coverages are typically added as endorsement to the members contract; however, can also be issued as a separate coverage document.
Employer’s Liability coverage is separate coverage from Workers’ Compensation. In New York, it is normally provided along with the traditional Workers’ Compensation contract. It provides coverage for members in the event of a third-party lawsuit that is the result of an employee’s injury. For example, a third-party that may bear some responsibility for an accident who could be sued by the employee and then name the employer in a counter suit. In this instance, Employer’s Liability may be triggered. This coverage also provides for punitive damages. Currently, PERMA includes the coverage on an unlimited basis. Many excess carriers have put sub-limits on this coverage, be sure to carefully review your contract.
For More Information
Al Campney
Deputy Executive Director for External Relations
888-737-6269, ext. 130
Learn More About Our Services
PERMA's Mission
PERMA strives to be the best partner to public employers in New York State by providing Workers’ Compensation coverage, customized workplace solutions, delivering exceptional value with membership, and prioritizing personal and dedicated service to members and their employees.
PERMA is proud to partner with:
New York State School Boards Association
New York State Association of Counties
New York State Association of Chiefs of Police
New York State Association of Fire Chiefs