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Advanced Safety Coordinator Training

October 26, 2017 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Registration is full. This event is now closed.

For those members who have already implemented the basics of safety coordination by forming a safety committee and beginning regular training and accident investigation, and want to enhance their skills. Presented by risk management staff and John Usher and Joe Cook of PESH, the advanced coordinator training course will cover:

In depth accident analysis
How to perform incident/accident investigations including an investigation form review
“Top down” leadership for safety – all management should be engaged in safety issues, policies etc.
PESH safety rules and updates on regulations
Available PESH services
What safety policies are required by PESH
How to improve your Return To Work program
Active shooter training awareness
Emergency evacuation planning
Workplace Violence awareness training

Contact Sigrid Vompa, safety training coordinator, for more information and to register. Registration ends October 5.




October 26, 2017
10:00 am - 2:00 pm